Seadog 30 Ketch

New rigging & bow thruster!
£13,500.00 (Approx €16,043)
  • Bateau REF#  ·  341662
  • Longeur hors tout  ·  9.14m
  • Année  ·  1972
  • Construction  ·  Fibre de Verre
  • Coque  ·  Quille longue
  • Couchettes  ·  4
  • Moteur  ·  1 x gasoil 47cv, Perkins 4108 (1972)
  • Visible à  ·  Ipswich
Boatshed Suffolk
Boatshed Suffolk
Ben Farnell

Détails supplémentaires

Architecte Reg Freeman
Chantier Reg Freemen Yachts
Visible à Ipswich
Capacité carburant 197.0 L Total - 2 Cuve(s)
Capacité d'eau 174.0 L Total - 1 Cuve(s)


Moteur 1 x gasoil 47cv
Marque et le modèle du moteur Perkins 4108 (1972)
Heures moteur Inconnu
Refroidi par Indirect
Barre barre à roue
Transmission arbre d'hélice
Hélice(s) Fixed 3 blade (Corder des coupeurs)
Consommation carburant (approx) Inconnu
Vitesse de croisière 6 noeuds
Vitesse Max 7 noeuds
Pièces de rechange moteur

Engine and gearbox were completely rebuilt in 2016 along with then engine mounts being replaced.

The owners have always serviced the engine themselves annually and have plenty of spares on board.


Longeur hors tout 9.14m
Longeur flottaison 7.32m
Bau 2.74m
Tirant d'eau Min 1.06m
Tirant d'eau Max 1.06m
Deplacement 5,850kg
Stationnement A l'eau


Grand voile à ris - bôme enrouleur ()
Génois/foc - Mousqueton ()
Autres voiles Mizzen ()
Cruising chute ()
Storm jib ()
Genoa ()

Standing rigging and running rigging fully replaced in 2024 with little use since then.

Systèmes électriques

12 batterie volts, 240 tension d'alimentation à quai, 3 batterie(s) chargé(s) par: moteur, prise de quai


Construction Fibre de Verre
Coque Quille longue
Finition Peinture finition


Nombre total de couchages 4
Nombre de lits doubles 1
Nombre de lits simples 2
Cabines 2
Lavabo 1
Toilettes 1 Toilettes (WC marine)

Stepping down the companion way you’ll be very glad to notice the headroom, full standing headroom with plenty of space to move around!

The galley is to the port side, there’s plenty of room here to cook meals and with plenty of storage longer trips without needing to stop for food is possible. The sink can be covered giving extra work space as well as top loading fridge. The owner has taken the gas system off and uses a camping stove with another spare stored in the forepeak as well as a microwave. An oven could be fitted but these will stay on board and work effectively.

To starboard is a nav station with a huge storage area. Full list of equipment can be found under the navigation section of the listing

The saloon feels very comfortable, the upholstery is in great condition and gives a great open area with the fold down table.

The forecabin is a split between heads and a storage area, these aren’t bunks and is designed to be the main storage area there’s plenty of space here to store excess sails and fenders- and more!

The aft cabin is a comfortable area although headroom is low. The berth size its self is generous and can very happily fit 2 adults.

Eberspacher diesel heating throughout the whole boat.

1 feux(s) gaz cuisinière


Chauffage de cabine
Système d'eau sous pression
Four à micro-ondes

Stepping down the companion way you’ll be very glad to notice the headroom, full standing headroom with plenty of space to move around!

The galley is to the port side, there’s plenty of room here to cook meals and with plenty of storage longer trips without needing to stop for food is possible. The sink can be covered giving extra work space as well as top loading fridge. The owner has taken the gas system off and uses a camping stove with another spare stored in the forepeak as well as a microwave. An oven could be fitted but these will stay on board and work effectively.

To starboard is a nav station with a huge storage area. Full list of equipment can be found under the navigation section of the listing

The saloon feels very comfortable, the upholstery is in great condition and gives a great open area with the fold down table.

The forecabin is a split between heads and a storage area, these aren’t bunks and is designed to be the main storage area there’s plenty of space here to store excess sails and fenders- and more!

The aft cabin is a comfortable area although headroom is low. The berth size its self is generous and can very happily fit 2 adults.

Eberspacher diesel heating throughout the whole boat.

1 feux(s) gaz cuisinière

Accastillage de pont

Taud de bôme
Parre battages
Couvertures d'instruments
Taud de cockpit complet
Propulseur d'étrave

3 winch(s) de drisse
2 winch(s) d'écoute
Manuel guindeau
2 ancre(s)
(35lb & 25lb CQR)

Equipement de Navigation

Pilote automatique
Feux de navigation
Radar reflecteur

Navigation equipment at station-
JRC NCR333 Navtex receiver
Kodeon KGP98 GPS
Kodeon KGP95 GPS
Icom IC411 VHF

Navigation equipment at helm
Garmin GPSmap 750s
Pinta Autopilot

Equipement de Sécurité

2 pompes de cale (1 manuel / 1 électrique)

Commentaires du Broker

The Seadog 30 is an incredibly well built motor sailer, she has great accommodation for her size and with several transatlantic and around the globes completed on them that really cements just how impressive these are!

This example has been looked after really well having just 2 owners, with one owner having lovingly kept her for more than 40 years!

She benefits from a bow thruster, not something that has been fitted on a lot of these as well as brand new this year standing rigging. The interior is clean and very well kept, the upholstery is in great condition as is the woodwork.

The only negatives from what I saw would be the couple of spider cracks on the top deck, past that she seems be in excellent condition. Some may want to update the navigation equipment however the equipment is all working as does do the job intended.

If you’re looking for a solid motor sailer that has had the big expense of standing rigging replaced then this is a great option to get on the water quickly for a very generous price.

These boat details are subject to contract.
Note: Offers on the asking price may be considered.

Owners FAQ's

How long have you owned the boat for?

1 years

Why are you selling her?

Wife is struggling to sail due to health reasons

Where have you sailed her?

Orwell, Deben and stour as well as a trip from Dover.

Lorsque les détails ci-dessous donnent des détails sur un bateau, qu'il soit neuf ou d'occasion, ils sont destinés à donner une description juste du navire mais ne sont pas garantis comme exacts ou complets. Ils ne feront partie d'aucune offre ou contrat de vente du navire. Il est recommandé à l'acheteur potentiel de vérifier indépendamment les détails et le navire. Le vendeur ne vend pas dans le cadre d'une entreprise, sauf indication contraire. Les biens personnels sont exclus de la vente du navire à moins qu'ils ne soient spécifiquement inclus dans les spécifications d'inscription ci-dessus ou dans un contrat d'achat. Les biens personnels peuvent être des équipements ou des engins qui ne sont pas fixés en permanence au navire, y compris, mais sans s'y limiter : des œuvres d'art, du matériel de divertissement, du matériel de pêche, des récepteurs de télévision, du matériel de loisirs, des kayaks, des outils et des appareils personnels. Les photos qui peuvent accessoirement représenter les biens personnels des propriétaires ne signifient pas que ces articles sont inclus dans la vente du navire à moins que ces articles ne soient spécifiquement énumérés ici. À tout moment, lorsque les détails ci-dessous donnent des détails sur un nouveau bateau et/ou un nouveau bateau à fournir/construire par un constructeur/fabricant, ou un bateau à affréter, via notre introduction, nous ne garantissons ni n'assumons la responsabilité de l'exactitude ou la fiabilité de toute information fournie par des sociétés tierces à cet égard, y compris, sans s'y limiter, les nouveaux constructeurs/constructeurs de bateaux, les sociétés de charter et/ou les sociétés/entreprises qui sont des « Amis de Boatshed ». Nous ne serons pas responsables de, ou partie à, toute transaction, contrat ou accord entre vous et ces tiers fournisseurs de produits ou services et il vous incombe de vérifier ces détails directement auprès de ces entités et de conclure un contrat avec elles à votre seule discrétion. discrétion et selon des conditions que vous acceptez.