Sea Ray 340 Sundancer

Rebuilt Twin Mercruisers 2022
US$67,000.00 (Approx €61,367) Prix en baisse
  • Bateau REF#  ·  333775
  • Longeur hors tout  ·  10.36m
  • Année  ·  1999
  • Construction  ·  Fibre de Verre
  • Coque  ·  Planant
  • Couchettes  ·  6
  • Moteur  ·  2 x essence 300cv, MerCruiser 350 Mag, 5.7 liter (2022)
  • Visible à  ·  Everett, WA USA - Shown by Appointment!
Boatshed Everett
Boatshed Everett
Gretchen Miles

Détails supplémentaires

Architecte Sea Ray
Chantier Sea Ray
Visible à Everett, WA USA - Shown by Appointment!
Capacité carburant 1,022.7 L Total - 2 Cuve(s)
Capacité d'eau 181.8 L Total - 1 Cuve(s)
Capacité réservoir eaux noires 127.3 L Total - 1 Cuve(s)


Moteur 2 x essence 300cv
Marque et le modèle du moteur MerCruiser 350 Mag, 5.7 liter (2022)
Heures moteur moteur1= 71
moteur2= 32
Refroidi par Indirect
Barre barre à roue
Transmission arbre d'hélice
Hélice(s) 3 blade
Consommation carburant (approx) 113.6 L /hr A vitesse de croisière
Vitesse de croisière 22 noeuds
Vitesse Max 30 noeuds
Puissance groupe 4.5KVA
Heures de générateur 116

*Consumption and speed are estimates due to engines being rebuilt/replaced and they have not gone through the break in period.
*Engines ~
*Port: rebuilt with new heads (2021); 71 hours since rebuild.
*Starboard: engine replaced with new long block (2022); 32 hours since replaced.
NOTE: hour meters were replaced at the time the starboard engine was replaced. Total hours on the vessel: 1217 hours.
*Both engines: Mercruiser exhaust replaced (2021); remote oil filter hoses replaced (2021); raw water hoses replaced (2022); raw water pumps replaced (2022); injectors cleaned (2022); hour meters replaced (2022).
*Port: Fuel pump replaced (2021).
*Starboard: Garmin GFS 10 (fuel flow) replaced (2022); alternator replaced (2022).
*Steering: Sea Star Hydraulic steering installed (2022).
Start: 2 - Interstate Deep Cycle SRM-27 (2023).
House: 4 - Full River DC250-6 Group GC-2 (2015).
Battery charger: Promatic 30-3 (high frequency automatic 3-step fast charger).
*Inverter: Magnum Magna Sine 2800.
*Trim tabs:
Custom drop fin, 20 x 14 (2024) with new Bennett actuators (May 2024).
*Bottom paint and zincs replaced (May 2024).
Westerbeke 4.5kw
Raw water pump and hoses replaced (2022).
Fuel filter replaced (2021).
Zinc replaced (2024).
Fuel pump replaced (Sept 2024).


Longeur hors tout 10.36m
Bau 3.51m
Tirant d'eau Min 0.76m
Tirant d'eau Max 0.91m
Deplacement 5,897kg
Hauteur sous barrots 1.83m
Stationnement Marina

Systèmes électriques

12 batterie volts, 110 générateur de volt, 110 tension d'alimentation à quai, 6 batterie(s) chargé(s) par: moteur, prise de quai, groupe électrogène


Construction Fibre de Verre
Coque Planant
Finition Gelcoat finition

LOA for moorage: 38 feet
Fuel - stainless
Water - plastic
Holding - plastic
Heat source: Red Dot heat while underway or space heaters at dock or anchor.

Waterline Boats / Boatshed did not independently verify capacities, or dimensions described in this listing. Information is derived from seller-provided information and/or literature.


Nombre total de couchages 6
Nombre de lits doubles 3
Cabines 2
Lavabo 2
Douche 2
Toilettes 1 Toilettes (Chasse d'eau sous vide)

Boarding from the stern, you will first appreciate the Sea Dek decking the current owner installed (2022). It really makes the boat look sharp; it’s easy on the feet and reduces the glare from the sun. The BBQ grill, the SeaWise davit system and a 2022 Achilles 10’ inflatable dinghy (trailer not included) are secured on the starboard side of the swim step in order to maximize the area. A swim ladder is concealed in the deck for easy boarding after swimming. A hot/cold water cockpit shower is available to shower or to clean the deck after fishing or beachcombing.

The aft deck is enclosed with a full camper canvas. To starboard is bench seating with an insert to complete the u-shaped settee and table; the custom seat cushions were new 2022 and they appear new today. The settee may also convert into a sleeping area. The table is removable to allow easy access to the engine compartment via the hydraulic hatch lift. To port is a TV mount (the TV is stowed in the cabin while underway) to enjoy a game or movie while at anchor. The ice maker, storage and bar sink is just forward on the port side. Forward of the settee is the helm station with side-by-side seating and excellent visibility. The helm is complete with Garmin 1242 touch-screen chartplotter with a new transducer (2023), Garmin Phantom 24” radar, Garmin VHF with AIS. Gauges, compass, stereo, systems, engine and throttle controls are all easily accessible at the helm.

Entering the main cabin through a sliding, locking hatch door you notice that the space is well-lit with natural light and enhanced with light-colored interior and LED cabin lights. The head compartment is on the port with a vacu-flush toilet, sink with extending shower arm, ample standing room and storage.

Aft of the companionway stairs is the guest area with hanging locker storage, a hanging TV and a large U-shaped settee. A curtain may separate this area to be a private sleeping berth for guests.

Forward of the head, on the port, is the galley with an Isotherm fridge with small freezer (2012), two-burner Kenyon electric stove, sink, GE microwave and storage. To starboard is a u-shaped dinette with salon table. Storage is above and below the settee.

Forward, and able to be separated with a privacy curtain, is the full v-berth with Tempurpedic mattress. There are two hanging lockers and loads of storage below the berth.

The anchor chain locker is easily accessed on deck with a wash down.

2 feux(s) gaz cuisinière


Système d'eau sous pression
Système d'eau chaude
Pompe eau douce de pont
Douche cockpit
Evier de cockpit
Machine à glacons
Four à micro-ondes

Boarding from the stern, you will first appreciate the Sea Dek decking the current owner installed (2022). It really makes the boat look sharp; it’s easy on the feet and reduces the glare from the sun. The BBQ grill, the SeaWise davit system and a 2022 Achilles 10’ inflatable dinghy (trailer not included) are secured on the starboard side of the swim step in order to maximize the area. A swim ladder is concealed in the deck for easy boarding after swimming. A hot/cold water cockpit shower is available to shower or to clean the deck after fishing or beachcombing.

The aft deck is enclosed with a full camper canvas. To starboard is bench seating with an insert to complete the u-shaped settee and table; the custom seat cushions were new 2022 and they appear new today. The settee may also convert into a sleeping area. The table is removable to allow easy access to the engine compartment via the hydraulic hatch lift. To port is a TV mount (the TV is stowed in the cabin while underway) to enjoy a game or movie while at anchor. The ice maker, storage and bar sink is just forward on the port side. Forward of the settee is the helm station with side-by-side seating and excellent visibility. The helm is complete with Garmin 1242 touch-screen chartplotter with a new transducer (2023), Garmin Phantom 24” radar, Garmin VHF with AIS. Gauges, compass, stereo, systems, engine and throttle controls are all easily accessible at the helm.

Entering the main cabin through a sliding, locking hatch door you notice that the space is well-lit with natural light and enhanced with light-colored interior and LED cabin lights. The head compartment is on the port with a vacu-flush toilet, sink with extending shower arm, ample standing room and storage.

Aft of the companionway stairs is the guest area with hanging locker storage, a hanging TV and a large U-shaped settee. A curtain may separate this area to be a private sleeping berth for guests.

Forward of the head, on the port, is the galley with an Isotherm fridge with small freezer (2012), two-burner Kenyon electric stove, sink, GE microwave and storage. To starboard is a u-shaped dinette with salon table. Storage is above and below the settee.

Forward, and able to be separated with a privacy curtain, is the full v-berth with Tempurpedic mattress. There are two hanging lockers and loads of storage below the berth.

The anchor chain locker is easily accessed on deck with a wash down.

2 feux(s) gaz cuisinière

Accastillage de pont

Parre battages
Taud de cockpit complet

électrique Lofrans Progress 1 guindeau
1 ancre(s)
36.58m de chaîne
Achilles annexe (2022)
(Semi rigide)
8CV hors-bord, Mercury, Court arbre d'hélice (2008)
Davit: SeaWise, electric
Dinghy: 2022 Achilles RIB 10’ (purchase 2023).
*Trailer not included in sale*.
Outboard: 2008 Mercury 8hp

Equipement de Navigation

Feux de navigation

Compass: Azimuth 1000
Chartplotter/GPS: Garmin 1242 with new transducer - 2022
Radar: Garmin Phantom, 24” - 2022
VHF: Garmin with AIS - 2023
TV with DVD (3 - Toshiba, salon; Majestic, aft cabin; Jensen, sun deck)

Equipement de Sécurité

Détecteur de fuite de gaz
Carbon Monoxide detector
Gilets de sauvetage
Projecteur de pont

3 pompes de cale (0 manuel / 3 électrique)

Bilge pumps location: 2 in engine compartment and 1 under guest berth.

Commentaires du Broker


Sea Ray 340’s are versatile boats; spacious for a cruising couple and may easily accommodate guests.
The current owner has upgraded this boat and improved many of its amenities! The sundeck sole has been covered with Sea Dek decking, Hoglund’s Upholstery replaced the sundeck settee cushions, the twin MerCruiser 350 Mag, 5.7 liter 300 hp engines have been replaced, the start batteries have been replaced, and the Garmin electronics have been replaced. The SeaWise electric davit system easily retrieves the 10 foot Achilles tender (2022).
The sundeck is fully enclosed in order to enjoy year-round.
The interior is well kept and in good condition.
If you are looking for an express cruiser to enjoy this summer, this Sea Ray 340 Sundancer is a true gem!

These boat details are subject to contract.
Note: Offers on the asking price may be considered.

Lorsque les détails ci-dessous donnent des détails sur un bateau, qu'il soit neuf ou d'occasion, ils sont destinés à donner une description juste du navire mais ne sont pas garantis comme exacts ou complets. Ils ne feront partie d'aucune offre ou contrat de vente du navire. Il est recommandé à l'acheteur potentiel de vérifier indépendamment les détails et le navire. Le vendeur ne vend pas dans le cadre d'une entreprise, sauf indication contraire. Les biens personnels sont exclus de la vente du navire à moins qu'ils ne soient spécifiquement inclus dans les spécifications d'inscription ci-dessus ou dans un contrat d'achat. Les biens personnels peuvent être des équipements ou des engins qui ne sont pas fixés en permanence au navire, y compris, mais sans s'y limiter : des œuvres d'art, du matériel de divertissement, du matériel de pêche, des récepteurs de télévision, du matériel de loisirs, des kayaks, des outils et des appareils personnels. Les photos qui peuvent accessoirement représenter les biens personnels des propriétaires ne signifient pas que ces articles sont inclus dans la vente du navire à moins que ces articles ne soient spécifiquement énumérés ici. À tout moment, lorsque les détails ci-dessous donnent des détails sur un nouveau bateau et/ou un nouveau bateau à fournir/construire par un constructeur/fabricant, ou un bateau à affréter, via notre introduction, nous ne garantissons ni n'assumons la responsabilité de l'exactitude ou la fiabilité de toute information fournie par des sociétés tierces à cet égard, y compris, sans s'y limiter, les nouveaux constructeurs/constructeurs de bateaux, les sociétés de charter et/ou les sociétés/entreprises qui sont des « Amis de Boatshed ». Nous ne serons pas responsables de, ou partie à, toute transaction, contrat ou accord entre vous et ces tiers fournisseurs de produits ou services et il vous incombe de vérifier ces détails directement auprès de ces entités et de conclure un contrat avec elles à votre seule discrétion. discrétion et selon des conditions que vous acceptez.