PRODUCT TEST - Silky Deep Clean
Thinking of selling your boat? Prepare your boat ready for sale or ready for a brand new season after a very harsh winter.
Current State of Boat - See for yourself, boat has layer of green algae and has been used as a toilet by the resident pigeons that live in the building in front of our berth.
First things first - It’s important to know the construction of your boat and make sure that the products that you are using are appropriate.
Tools – bucket, clean water source (ideally hose or jet washer), measured amount of of Silky Deep Clean added to the water, sponge, rubber gloves, deck brush, tooth brush or brush suitable for nooks and crannies, chamois and a nice cold drink for you, it can be thirsty work!
Step 1 - Rinse off the boat thoroughly with fresh water, this loosens dirt and salt residues.
Step 2 - Wash the superstructure with your soapy water and a sponge.
Step 3 - To a bucket of water add the appropriate amount of Silky to dilute. Scrub the decks with the deck brush. If there are two of you, one should have a small scrubbing brush, an old toothbrush comes in very handy, they are great, as they have a long handle to reach into all those irritating nooks and crannies and let’s face it there are plenty of those on a boat!
I always sweep the cockpit with a dustpan and brush as it seems to collect all sorts of grit, leaves and bits and pieces. Repeat the above process. Make sure you remember to clean the water run offs by the lockers as once the locker is open, you will reveal the grubbiness. Scrub all over with a deck or scrubbing brush and rinse.
Wipe off excess water with a chamois.
Once the boat is dry, you will be able to identify any areas that require spot cleaning. Try a more concentrated application of ‘Silky’ or you can buy ‘Silky Cream Cleaner . Spot rinse, chamois and polish the boat if required.
Finally, sit back and admire your handy work and think of all those calories burnt!
If you are trying to sell the boat, make sure below decks look tidy, clean and clutter free as you can make them. Clean the bilges as a prospective buyer will want to see them. If you are not going to be using the boat, consider putting all the clutter in a box and taking it home. It’s like selling a house, nobody wants to see other people’s clutter. A customer likes a blank canvas to enable them to imagine their own belongings in situ. If the boat hasn't been opened up for a while, make sure it has a good airing by opening all hatches for a few hours and maybe investing in a odour neutraliser.
We all like our boats to look their best. If you are selling your boat, you only have one chance to make an impression. It’s in your best interest to present the boat in a pristine condition; it really does make a huge difference and can define the difference between a sale or receiving the comment, “we have a few more to see”. Game Over I'm afraid, you have more than likely lost the sale.
Silky Deep Clean gave great results, replacing our post winter sad looking Westerly with a fab new shine, with no smears and ready for a brand new season!