From the Galley - LENTIL CURRY
When we're at sea we always like to cook proper food. This meal always tastes great at sea and its easy to cook in a lively chop.
I remember making this 70 miles off the Straits of Gibraltar heading West for Gibraltar anchorage. We'd been doing some fishing and had stopped when something big took our line 200 feet down below the boat, then it zig zagged angrily to the right then left, we played the line, bringing in, letting out for over 40 minutes, then the line broke. Probably just as well as it was too large!
INGREDIENTS for two people
1 large cup of green Lentils
3 x large Onions
6 x Garlic
3 x Eggs
2 teaspoons of Garam Masala
Chilli powder
Olive oil
1 cup of rice
2 x cups of water
half a teaspoon of Turmeric
1 cup of frozen peas
1. Place generous helping of olive oil into a pan
2. Cook half the sliced garlic cloves until golden brown (this gets a great nutty taste, put on one side these are for the topping.
3. Cut the onions in large thin hoops cook until transparent and soft golden brown
4. Add crushed garlic, lentils add water to twice the depth, bring to the boil then simmer for 1 hour
5. In the mean time hard boil the eggs for 7 minutes, peal when cold
6. Add the Garam Masala
7. Cook until well cooked and add more water if needed.
8. After simmering for 1 hour add pealed eggs whole to lentils then add the cooked sliced garlic on top, simmer for a further 30 mins
9. Add peeled eggs into the curry
10. Cook the rice, place 1 cup of rice into 2 cups of boiling water.
11. Add Turmeric, Bring to the boil, place lid on and turn low heat for 3 mins, then switch off heat and leave for a further 5 mins. No need to drain.
12. Add frozen peas, and stir in.
NB you can use the pressure cooker to cook the lentil curry to aid their soaking cooking time.