We like to eat proper food at sea, and this particular Casserole was made during a NE 5/6 beating to windward heading out from the Thames estuary down Prices Channel towards North Foreland.
This is such a tasty casserole for voyages and makes enough for 3 large meals or 4 medium with slices of bread and butter. There's just two of us, so we have the casserole the one day, then add more water and turn it into a rustic soup for the next day, if it manages to get through the hungry night watch crew!!
3 x Onions
6 rashers of smoked bacon
3 garlic cloves
1 teaspoon Garam Masala
Chilli to taste
1 tin of Confit du Canard 4/5 pieces
3/4 of a whole Celery stick
5 large carrots
1 pack of parsley
1 medium cup of pearl barley
2 cups of water
This is the perfect dish for a pressure cooker.
1. Cut bacon up into small squares with pair of scissors
2. Chop Onions and garlic roughly
3. Fry the Bacon, then add the onions until they are all brown
4. Add the pearly barley with 1 cup of hot water
5. Open the tin of Confit du Canard, scrape off all the fat and duck skin. Add to casserole
6. Add celery, carrots, parsley into the pot
7. Add chilli and Garam Masala
8. Add water up till just below the veg
9. Bring to the boil
10. Place lid on, turn down to low heat and cook for 1 hour.
11. Switch off and eat in 30 minutes to 1 hour, or re heat later.
Confit du Canard is a great boat food, it comes in tins. Its also great, taken out of the tin and roasted with baked potatoes and carrots.