Colvic 31 Motor Sailor

£29,900.00 (Approx €35,533) Prix en baisse
  • Bateau REF#  ·  341206
  • Longeur hors tout  ·  9.80m
  • Année  ·  1988
  • Construction  ·  Fibre de Verre
  • Coque  ·  Shallow Long with Bilge keel
  • Couchettes  ·  5
  • Moteur  ·  1 x gasoil 35cv, Thorneycroft (1988)
  • Visible à  ·  Clyde
Boatshed Scotland
Boatshed Scotland
Ian Sawkins

Détails supplémentaires

Architecte John Bennett and Associates
Chantier Colvic
Visible à Clyde
Capacité carburant 227.3 L Total - 1 Cuve(s)
Capacité d'eau 272.7 L Total - 1 Cuve(s)


Moteur 1 x gasoil 35cv
Marque et le modèle du moteur Thorneycroft (1988)
Heures moteur moteur1= 1009
Refroidi par Indirect
Barre barre à roue
Transmission arbre d'hélice
Hélice(s) 3 Blade Fixed (Corder des coupeurs)
Consommation carburant (approx) 3.0 L /hr A vitesse de croisière
Pièces de rechange moteur

New PRM 270D Gearbox and Fuel Injector pump fitted 2016 aprox 60 hrs use since fitted. There are records of all work carried out over the last 25 years.


Longeur hors tout 9.80m
Longeur flottaison 8.45m
Bau 3.04m
Tirant d'eau Min 1.21m
Tirant d'eau Max 1.21m
Deplacement 7,120kg
Stationnement Marina


Grand voile à ris Crusader - bande à ris (2016) 2 Ris
Génois/foc North - Enrouleur (2005)
Autres voiles Mizzen (2017)
Cruising Chute ( unused ) (1988)

Both Masts Resprayed 2016 2 pack Epoxy

Systèmes électriques

12 batterie volts, 240 tension d'alimentation à quai, 2 batterie(s) chargé(s) par: moteur, prise de quai


Construction Fibre de Verre
Coque Shallow Long with Bilge keel
Finition Gelcoat finition

Underwater Hull is Copercoated this was renewed in 2022.


Nombre total de couchages 5
Nombre de lits doubles 1
Nombre de lits simples 3
Cabines 3
Lavabo 2
Toilettes 1 Toilettes (Manuels)

there is a full sun awning which covers the entire boat.
Eberspacher heating has been serviced every 2 years and a new ECU fitted 2024

2 feux(s) gaz cuisinière


Chauffage de cabine
Système d'eau sous pression
Système d'eau chaude

there is a full sun awning which covers the entire boat.
Eberspacher heating has been serviced every 2 years and a new ECU fitted 2024

2 feux(s) gaz cuisinière

Accastillage de pont

Taud de bôme
Parre battages
Echelle de bain
Couvertures d'instruments
Taud de cockpit complet

2 winch(s) de drisse
2 winch(s) d'écoute
Manuel guindeau
2 ancre(s)
60.00m de chaîne
20.00m de bout
Wetline 270 annexe (2022)

Equipement de Navigation

Pilote automatique
Weather fax
Feux de navigation

Equipement de Sécurité

Détecteur de fuite de gaz
Carbon Monoxide detector
Radeau de sauvetage
Perche IOR
Echelle d'embarquement
Barre de secours

1 pompes de cale (1 manuel / 0 électrique)

Date of last life raft service: 08-04-2024

Commentaires du Broker

This 1988 Colvic Watson 31 Motor Sailor is a rare opportunity to own a well-maintained and versatile vessel, perfect for coastal cruising and beyond. She has been in the same family ownership since1999, some 26 years.

This boat has been meticulously cared for and comes with an extensive record of maintenance and upgrades, making it a standout in its class.

Designed by John Bennett and Associates and built by Colvic, this motor sailer is renowned for its sturdy GRP construction, shallow bilge keel, and excellent sea-keeping abilities.

Offering comfortable accommodation for up to five people, the boat features three cabins, a manual heads, and a spacious saloon, making it ideal for extended cruising or family adventures.

Powered by a reliable Thorneycroft 35hp diesel engine (1988), the boat has seen significant upgrades, including a new PRM 270D gearbox and fuel injector pump fitted in 2016 (approx. 60 hours since). The engine is in excellent working order, ensuring reliable performance.

The ketch-rigged aluminium spars (1988) are complemented by stainless steel standing rigging (2013) and recently resprayed masts (2016). The sail inventory includes a Crusader mainsail (2016), North headsail (2005), and a newer mizzen (2017), along with an unused cruising chute (1988).

The underwater hull was freshly Copper-coated in 2022, ensuring excellent protection and performance.

The boat has been consistently maintained, with records of all work carried out over the past 26 years.

An Eberspacher heating system, serviced every two years with a new ECU fitted in 2024, ensures warmth and comfort during cooler months. A full sun awning providing shade and protection in warmer weather.

The current owner has lovingly cared for this vessel for 26 years, sailing her extensively along the West Coast of Scotland and the North East Coast. The boat’s maintenance history is fully documented, providing peace of mind for the next owner.

This Colvic 31 is perfect for sailors seeking a reliable, well-equipped motor sailer for coastal cruising, weekend getaways, or longer voyages. Her robust construction, recent upgrades, and excellent condition make her a standout choice in the market.

These boat details are subject to contract.
Note: Offers on the asking price may be considered.

Owners FAQ's

How long have you owned the boat for?

26 years

Why are you selling her?

Need a larger boat

Where have you sailed her?

West Coast Scotland & North East Coast

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