Bayliner 3488 Command Bridge

Transferable Moorage!
US$97,000.00 (Approx €88,844) Prix en baisse
  • Bateau REF#  ·  335452
  • Longeur hors tout  ·  10.36m
  • Année  ·  2001
  • Construction  ·  Fibre de Verre
  • Coque  ·  Planant
  • Couchettes  ·  6
  • Moteur  ·  2 x gasoil 250cv, Cummins 4B250 (2001)
  • Visible à  ·  Everett, WA USA - Shown by Appointment!
Boatshed Everett
Boatshed Everett
Gretchen Miles

Détails supplémentaires

Architecte Bayliner
Chantier Bayliner
Visible à Everett, WA USA - Shown by Appointment!
Capacité carburant 1,018.2 L Total - 2 Cuve(s)
Capacité d'eau 418.2 L Total - 1 Cuve(s)
Capacité réservoir eaux noires 136.4 L Total - 1 Cuve(s)


Moteur 2 x gasoil 250cv
Marque et le modèle du moteur Cummins 4B250 (2001)
Heures moteur moteur1= 1956
moteur2= 1935
Refroidi par Indirect
Barre barre à roue
Transmission arbre d'hélice
Hélice(s) 4 blade bronze 23 x 26
Consommation carburant (approx) 36.4 L /hr A vitesse de croisière
Vitesse de croisière 12 noeuds
Vitesse Max 20 noeuds
Puissance groupe 4.2KVA
Heures de générateur 596

Batteries: 6 total ~
House, port and starboard start, Generator start, bow and stern thruster.
Oil and filters changed annually.
Zincs inspected and replaced as needed every 6 months.
9/2017 - Forward and forward enging bilge pumps replaced.
10/2017 - Replaced raw water intake - port engine.
10/2019 - Replaced raw water intake - starboard.
5/2020 - Port engine fuel lines replaced.
8/2020 - Oil pressure sending units replaced, both engines.
2/2021 - Breaker and cables changed.
3/2021 - Starboard fuel injectors replaced.
7/2021 - Raw water impellers replaced, both.
7/2021 - Fresh water pump replaced; Port.
5/2022 - Replaced aft scupper and hose.
5/2022 - Replaced radio antennae
7/2023 - Oil and filter change
5/2024 - Holding tank vent filter changed.
5/2024 - Port engine start battery replaced.
7/2024 - Oil and filter changed, replaced engine zincs as needed.
7/2024 - replaced aft bilge pump.


Longeur hors tout 10.36m
Bau 3.56m
Tirant d'eau Min 0.97m
Tirant d'Air 4.11m
Deplacement 6,826kg
Hauteur sous barrots 1.96m
Stationnement Marina

Systèmes électriques

12 batterie volts, 110 générateur de volt, 110 tension d'alimentation à quai, 6 batterie(s) chargé(s) par: moteur, prise de quai, groupe électrogène


Construction Fibre de Verre
Coque Planant
Finition Gelcoat finition

Total length for moorage purposes: 36'3"
Fuel - Aluminum
Water - plastic
Waste - plastic
Hot Water - Atwood 10.5 gals
*Additional notes:
10/2017 - Vacuflush pump replaced
7/2019 - Curtains replaced with cellular shades
11/2020 - Interior carpet replaced
2/2021 - Toilet replaced
5/2022 - Flybridge seat cushions replaced
12/2022 - Mattress replaced in guest cabin
5/2023 - Reupholstered salon settee and pilot's seat (Leather)
7/2023 - Reupholstered Valances in salon

Waterline Boats / Boatshed did not independently verify capacities, or dimensions described in this listing. Information is derived from seller-provided information and/or literature.


Nombre total de couchages 6
Nombre de lits doubles 3
Cabines 2
Lavabo 2
Douche 2
Toilettes 1 Toilettes (Chasse d'eau sous vide)

Boarding via the swim step to the full-beam open cockpit feels very safe for people of all ages. Molded stairs with good hand-holds lead to the flybridge and tall bulwarks surround the cockpit. Access to the salon is via a large sliding door; large windows which have pull-down shades, allow great visibility and privacy. Immediately starboard is the L-shaped galley: under-counter Norcold fridge with small freezer compartment, stainless steel sink, 2-burner propane cook top, a large storage compartment with a lazy-susan rack and attractive counter tops are all very ample to prepare meals.
To port as you enter are the electrical panels. Forward and to port is an L-settee, which the current owners have re-upholstered in attractive leather, and a salon table. The hoses for the central vacuum system are "hidden" in the corner of the settee, the system inlet is just at the corner of the settee. Forward of the galley to starboard is the lower helm station. The seat area has a cushion to use as a seat with no back rest (currently in storage) and may also be used as additional counter space. My perception of the visibility from the helm station is that it is certainly adequate for safe piloting. All navigation equipment, gauges and Morse controls are duplicated at the flybridge as well. There are large windows throughout the salon area providing good ventilation and light. Cabin heating is provided by an Espar diesel heater.
Forward and down a couple of stairs are the sleeping quarters: to starboard underneath the helm station is the guest cabin. A large queen berth with attractive headboard appears to be very comfortable. Shelf space and large hanging locker provide space for guests to stow their belongings or extra storage space while on an extended cruise. There is additional engine compartment access at the foot of the bed. The main engine compartment access is via the salon sole.
Just across from the guest cabin is the head compartment with a vacu-flush toilet, sink, separate shower stall and storage cabinets.
The master cabin is forward with a large berth off set to starboard, a large opening hatch, and side portholes provide good lighting and ventilation. A large hanging locker and drawers provide storage spaces. The bow thruster battery is under the master berth.
A welded stainless steel railing and handhold system facilitate moving along the decks with a sense of safety; the decks appear to be in good condition. The molded stairs to the fully enclosed flybridge are covered with a hatch door to keep children and pets safe while visiting the flybridge.
The L-shaped settee provides comfortable seating for the crew. The flybridge helm is offset to starboard and similarly equipped as the lower helm. The propane locker is under the settee.
The 10’ West Marine RIB dinghy is secured to the swim step via a manual Weaver davit system.

2 feux(s) gaz cuisinière


Chauffage de cabine
Système d'eau sous pression
Système d'eau chaude
Pompe eau douce de pont
Douche cockpit

Boarding via the swim step to the full-beam open cockpit feels very safe for people of all ages. Molded stairs with good hand-holds lead to the flybridge and tall bulwarks surround the cockpit. Access to the salon is via a large sliding door; large windows which have pull-down shades, allow great visibility and privacy. Immediately starboard is the L-shaped galley: under-counter Norcold fridge with small freezer compartment, stainless steel sink, 2-burner propane cook top, a large storage compartment with a lazy-susan rack and attractive counter tops are all very ample to prepare meals.
To port as you enter are the electrical panels. Forward and to port is an L-settee, which the current owners have re-upholstered in attractive leather, and a salon table. The hoses for the central vacuum system are "hidden" in the corner of the settee, the system inlet is just at the corner of the settee. Forward of the galley to starboard is the lower helm station. The seat area has a cushion to use as a seat with no back rest (currently in storage) and may also be used as additional counter space. My perception of the visibility from the helm station is that it is certainly adequate for safe piloting. All navigation equipment, gauges and Morse controls are duplicated at the flybridge as well. There are large windows throughout the salon area providing good ventilation and light. Cabin heating is provided by an Espar diesel heater.
Forward and down a couple of stairs are the sleeping quarters: to starboard underneath the helm station is the guest cabin. A large queen berth with attractive headboard appears to be very comfortable. Shelf space and large hanging locker provide space for guests to stow their belongings or extra storage space while on an extended cruise. There is additional engine compartment access at the foot of the bed. The main engine compartment access is via the salon sole.
Just across from the guest cabin is the head compartment with a vacu-flush toilet, sink, separate shower stall and storage cabinets.
The master cabin is forward with a large berth off set to starboard, a large opening hatch, and side portholes provide good lighting and ventilation. A large hanging locker and drawers provide storage spaces. The bow thruster battery is under the master berth.
A welded stainless steel railing and handhold system facilitate moving along the decks with a sense of safety; the decks appear to be in good condition. The molded stairs to the fully enclosed flybridge are covered with a hatch door to keep children and pets safe while visiting the flybridge.
The L-shaped settee provides comfortable seating for the crew. The flybridge helm is offset to starboard and similarly equipped as the lower helm. The propane locker is under the settee.
The 10’ West Marine RIB dinghy is secured to the swim step via a manual Weaver davit system.

2 feux(s) gaz cuisinière

Accastillage de pont

Parre battages
Echelle de bain
Couvertures d'instruments
Propulseur arrière
Propulseur d'étrave

électrique Lofrans guindeau
1 ancre(s)
(Bruce claw)
18.29m de chaîne
30.48m de bout
West Marine annexe (2002)
(Semi rigide)
9.9CV hors-bord, Mercury , Court arbre d'hélice (1996)
Anchor: 33 lb Bruce.
Dinghy: 2002 West Marine 9'3" RIB
Davit: Weaver davit system with electric windlass to lift the dinghy.

Equipement de Navigation

Feux de navigation

Compass: Danforth and Danforth Corsair III
VHF: Raytheon
Chartplotter/Radar: Raytheon Pathfinder RL70C (main and FB); Garmin GPSmap740s (flybridge).
Radar: Furuno FCV-667 (main).
Thrusters: Side Power Bow and Stern thrusters (controls at main and FB).
Stereo: Pioneer

Equipement de Sécurité

Carbon Monoxide detector
Gilets de sauvetage

5 pompes de cale (0 manuel / 5 électrique)

Bilge Pumps:
4 - Rule 12vDC, 1100gph; Fwd cabin, two (2) fwd and one (1) aft in the engine space.
1 - Rule 12vDC 2000gph; Lazarette.

Commentaires du Broker

The Bayliner 3488 Command Bridge model is both sporty and family friendly. She is equipped with twin Cummins 4B250 inline six cylinder 250 hp engines and Side-Power bow and stern thrusters; when you have arrived at your destination, you will have confidence docking even in the trickiest situations. The two-stateroom layout allows for extra storage space on a long cruise or comfortable quarters for family or guests. The salon and galley layout is open and spacious for its size; the settee has been re-upholstered, newer carpet, clean headliner, pull-down shades and valances give the salon a clean, updated feel.
The lower helm and the flybridge allow options for piloting. The fully enclosed flybridge is easily accessed via molded stairs, it has comfortable seating for the co-captain and crew, and incredible visibility.
You have the opportunity to assume the moorage slip and she is ready for you to enjoy this fall season.

These boat details are subject to contract.
Note: Offers on the asking price may be considered.

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